In diesem Jahr findet der 104. Bibliothekartag vom 26. bis zum 29.05.2015 in Nürnberg statt. Zur größten bibliothekarischen Fachtagung Europas werden rund 4.000 Teilnehmer- und Teilnehmerinnen aus dem In- und… read more →
Am Montag den 11.05.2015 findet in der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landesbibliothek in Kiel eine Präsentation und die Freischaltung der numismatischen Datenbank KENOM im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz statt. Das DFG-Projekt „Kooperative Erschließung und… read more →
As recently announced we will be holding in spring a webinar in English about the possibilities for using Goobi. For this purpose we launched first a scheduling questionnaire. Based on… read more →
Wir freuen uns Ihnen ab sofort online die aktuellen Schulungen sowie die buchbaren Termine vorstellen zu können. Derzeit gibt es 5 verschiedene Goobi-Schulungen mit unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen und Themen. Das Schulungsprogramm… read more →
In response to growing international interest in Goobi, the Wellcome Library and intranda plan to hold a webinar (in English) offering an introduction to Goobi. The webinar is aimed at… read more →
Looking ahead at future trends in digitisation, an event will be held in London on Monday 10 November under the title Current Trends and Future Directions for Digital Imaging in… read more →
OCR, what now? (Oliver Paetzel, intranda GmbH) First intranda Goobi Day – OCR, what now? from intranda GmbH Teaching and learning digitisation skills – Questions and answers on the training… read more →
The agenda for intranda’s first-ever Goobi Day on 1 October 2014 in Göttingen is now officially available and can be downloaded from: We have already received numerous registrations from… read more →
As we announced recently, intranda’s first-ever Goobi Day is approaching rapidly. intranda will be celebrating Goobi’s tenth birthday together with its customers, friends and others with an interest in our… read more →
The 80th IFLA General Conference will be held this year in the French city of Lyon and is expected to attract over 3,500 visitors from around 120 countries. We will… read more →