Our annual Goobi days event in Göttingen begins in less than four weeks. Details of how to register have already been published here. You can now download the full programme… read more →
Once again, we are inviting all Goobi users and anyone else with an interest in our workflow management software to our two-day Goobi event in Göttingen on 26 and 27… read more →
Our annual ‘Goobi Days’ will take place on 26 and 27 September 2017 in Göttingen. The event will be held in German. As well as presentations on recent and forthcoming developments,… read more →
The new training dates for the first half of 2018 have been fixed. On three consecutive days at the end of March, we will be offering the “Goobi Basics”, “Goobi… read more →
This year’s Goobi Users’ Day will be held in London and is once again expected to attract a large number of organisations, including visitors from the UK, Israel, the Netherlands,… read more →
On 13.9.2016 and 14.9.2016 the German speaking Goobi and viewer day took place again. With participants from more than 30 institutions, again from 6 different countries, it was the community… read more →
The 20th conference of the Common Library Network (GBV) will take place this year under the motto “Together we can go further!”, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of… read more →
Attention: Registration deadline is 07 September 2016. After we had invited the public to take part in this year’s Goobi and viewer Day at this point about three weeks ago,… read more →
In less than two months it will be time again. After our successful 2-day Goobi and Viewer meeting last year, we are continuing the tradition this year and would like… read more →
We are very pleased to be attending the IS&T Archiving Conference 2016 at the National Archives in Washington, DC as a speaker for the first time this year. On 21.04.2016… read more →